The Sustainable Goals and Us, the 17 Sustainable Goals As Seen From Media College Denmark​

This online exhibition is an online version of a physical exhibition exhibited around Viborg, Denmark autumn 2020. The Danish title “Vi og verdensmålene, FNs 17 verdensmål set fra Medieskolerne i Viborg” translates into English more or less like: The Sustainable Goals and Us, the 17 Sustainable Goals As Seen From Media College Denmark”. The 17 pictures are made by students of photography studying at Media College Denmark.

They are enrolled in a four year course, where they spend 40 weeks at the college and the remainder of the four years, they are working as apprentices in photographic studios in Denmark and Scandinavia. They attend school periods of 15, 10, 10 and 5 weeks across the four years, and the students exhibited here are half way through the four year course. The goal of the exhibition has not been to produce 1:1 pictures of the sustainable goals, but to produce pictures which raise questions and sometimes also possible answers.

The pictures have been exhibited physically in the main library in Viborg, Denmark and for the event celebrating Viborg as UNESCO Creative City in Media Arts. The plan is to relocate the exhibition to other educational institutions in Denmark and abroad.

This site is made by students in the web development programme at Media College Denmark, and the plan is to make an English version of the site.

Should you have questions regarding the site, the pictures or Media College Denmark, feel free to contact us.

Photographer and teacher
Jacob Christensen Ravn